Dotted Line: Marked by a Frontera is a photo-memoir book that weaves together the diverse stories of the people whose lives are marked by the El Paso/Juárez border on a daily basis, and the stories of two young Latina women with diverse backgrounds who explore what the border represents for them in this current political climate. Laura, a DACAmented Colombian young woman and Chantelle, a first-generation American young woman with Bolivian roots, take off their activist hats and return to El Paso to use the power of storytelling as a vehicle to amplify the voices of those of us impacted by the dotted line.
— Dotted Line —
noun /ˌdädəd ˈlīn/
A man-made line that runs through what was once México - separating two different political stages, economic realities, geographical areas, families, and the truth behind the "American Dream".

The "dotted line" is a physical, political, and conceptual representation of how the immigrant community is separated. When families crossed that "dotted line" their whole lives changed.
— Why should YOU donate? —
It's simple: immigrants make America great again. We are aware that our book will only share and represent a small percentage of these voices, but we hope to amplify, however big, the importance of these stories. Voices that have been undervalued for generations. Voices that have been misrepresented for generations. And voices whose stories have been told by those other than their own community members. Your donation addresses just that. We encourage you to support our project and the lives of the individuals who have been affected by the the "dotted line".